
Showing posts from May, 2020

A 42 year old female patient with multiple health events since birth.

I have been given this case to solve in an attempt to understand the topic of "patient clinical data analysis"todevelop my competency  in reading and comprehending  clinical data including  history, clinical findings, investigations and come up with a diagnosis and treatment plan. My analysis of the patient\"s problems:- problems in the order of priority.... 1.Swelling of face and abdomen 2.Headache(migraine) 3.sleep deprivation 4.Excecise induced fatigue 5.Left sided weakness  6.oliguria 7.Rashes. My analysis of the problems:- 1.Swelling of face and abdomen swelling started at the age of 1 year and the patient is still suffering from swelling in some conditions like.... emotional stress,eating some foods which are uncompaitable for her ,smoking etc. It might be due to progression od G6PD  into haemolytic crisis.   G6PD DEFICIENCY:- It is a X-linked inherited disease. In G6PD deficiency HMP shunt pathway is affected leading to decrease in production  of NADPH